A skin peeling session sounds like a very appealing invitation to people with rough and pockmarked cheeks. But to those with well toned- fair skin, skin peeling is not only pointless—it can even cause doubts. A peeling skin can be viewed in many ways, depending on where you’re coming from. So long as it doesn’t come with the great itch and blisters, you might even have a go at it. We’ll make it clear, then: The peeling skin you’re concerned about here is the one that leads to problems.
Common causes of peeling skin
Your skin peels every day—sometimes you can see it, sometimes you can’t. Usually your skin peels off because of:
1. Sunburn. The worst kind of skin peeling is one caused by sunburn. It’s unsightly and coupled with rashes, itchiness, blisters, and even fever. Done correctly, sun-burning actually gives way to new skin. And the reason why your skill peels off is because it’s part of the healing process.
When your sun-burnt, your skin appears cooked on the outside. And you know the tell tale signs of bad sun burn. Over the next few days your skin may look intact as they cover the new sprout of skin cells underneath.
2. Naturally dry skin. People living in temperate countries are prone to have dry skin, so skin peeling on their hands, arms, and face is a natural occurrence. This usually happens after a bath. The peeled off skin are dead skin cells that have served their purpose and are now making way for new ones to take their place. You can say it’s a normal phenomenon. In fact, even as you shower and sponge, layers and layers of dead skin peel off. How you get dead skin is a question of many factors, of course, including climate. But you can remedy that by staying away from the heat every chance you get and using the right lotion for your kind of skin.
3. Skin diseases such as melasma an acne. These are caused by skin bacteria that eat away at your normal skin cells and leave behind the dead ones. So you have your skin peeling off in no time. Careful with the peeling, though–it is most times very itchy and can clog your skin’s pores. Later this may lead to further infection if not treated right away.
4. Peeling resulting from your use of irritating lotion and skin treatment. Not all skin exfoliating and treatment formula work the same way on the same person. Each of us reacts to different substances differently. And if you aren’t sure which one is right for you, better not experiment. Many popular brands have, in fact, skin drying additives.
How to avoid skin peeling
If it’s natural skin peeling you want to avoid, you can’t do anything about it. But if you want to take care of your skin in terns of making it healthy and retaining its natural glow, here’s what you can do:
1. Stay away from the sun if you’re not sun-bathing. The hours under the sun make no sense as it comes up at various times around the globe. But you know your tolerance—the moment it starts to bite, it’s no longer good for your skin. If you insist, wear non-irritating sun block.
2. Use a mild, preferably coconut oil based skin lotion. Skin powder may be good, but it only stays on the outside. A coconut oil-based lotion penetrates your skin and thus produces better effect by wiping off the dryness.
3. Don’t scrub your skin too much. Unless you’re too hairy, scrubbing your skin even with a loofah may result in coarseness in the long run. When you skin is wet, it’s tender enough that the slightest dab can wipe off dead cells from it.
4. East a diet rich in vitamin E and selenium. Vitamin E is known to make your skin taught and wrinkle-free. Vitamin E protects your skin from ultraviolet light and keeps your skin cells healthy. The richest sources of Vitamin E and selenium are eggs, fish, and dark colored vegetables.
You can’t hide under you skin.
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