Posted by WhyDoes on Sep - 7 - 2009 - Comments Off on Why Does my Dog Lick Me?
Dogs are Man’s best friend. They are the most preferred companions for humans because they are easy to train, feed, and get along with. Other than that, some dogs are really safe to have around children. They are also more intelligent, strongly loyal to a fault, and can return affection to their owners. The last mentioned, where an animal shows affection, is the reason why many owners loved their pets […]
Posted by WhyDoes on Sep - 7 - 2009 - Comments Off on Why Does my Puppy Throw up?
Puppies are the cutest things ever! Their soft fur and cute round eyes just endears them to both kids and adults. That’s why we just love to have them around. However, there are times when puppies get sick and we don’t know why. One of these times is when puppies throw up. So why does a puppy throw up? There could be several reasons, but the most likely is that […]
Posted by WhyDoes on Sep - 3 - 2009 - Comments Off on Why Does a Cat Purr?
If dogs lick, then cats purr. All cats – either large or small and both domesticated and wild cats – make that vibrating sound that starts at the back of the throat and spreads through the body. Cats are believed to purr whenever they feel pleasure or contentment, which is often observed when a mother cat is nursing her kittens, or when the cat is fed, petted, or stroked by […]